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Bitterballen by Hart & Ziel

Roasted Chicken Kroket By Hart & Ziegler

Roasted Chicken Kroket By Hart & Ziegler

Regular price $15.99
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Authentically Dutch!

Ingredients: Chicken broth (water, chicken, carrot, onion, celery, thyme, spices), Chicken, Brown rice flour, Gluten-free bread crumbs (water, potato starch, white rice flour, yeast, salt, sugar, natural flavour), Egg, Carrot, Onion, Celery, Peas, Unsalted butter (cream), Canola oil, Mustard, Parsley, Garlic, Salt, White pepper, Black pepper, Lemon juice, Olive oil, Thyme, Rosemary. 

Contains: Milk. Egg, Mustard.

Authentiquement néerlandais!

Ingrédients: Bouillon de poulet (eau, poulet, carotte, oignon, céleri, thym, épices), Poulet, Farine de riz brun, Chapelure sans gluten (eau, fécule de pomme de terre, farine de riz blanc, levure, sel, sucre, arôme naturel), Oeuf, Carotte, Oignon, Céleri, Petits pois, Beurre non salé (crème), Huile de canola, Moutarde, Persil, Ail, Sel, Poivre blanc, Poivre noir, Jus de citron, Huile d'olive, Thym, Romarin.

Contient: Lait. Oeuf, Moutarde.

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