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The Bread Essentials

Sugar Cookies (6) - Vegan

Sugar Cookies (6) - Vegan

Regular price $23.95
Regular price Sale price $23.95
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Dairy-free, Vegan & Gluten-free

Ingredients: Flour blend (brown rice, buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa, tapioca, ground flaxseed, baking powder, guar gum, xanthan gum), Salt, Icing sugar, Organic cane sugar, Margarine, Vanilla, Water, Powdered egg replacer (baking soda, baking powder, tapioca starch, arrowroot), Salt.

Sans produits laitiers, Végétaliens et Sans gluten

Ingrédients: Mélange de farines (riz brun, sarrasin, amarante, quinoa, tapioca, graines de lin moulues, poudre à pâte, gomme de guar, gomme de xanthane), Sel, Sucre glace, Sucre de canne biologique, Margarine, Vanille, Eau, Substitut d'œuf en poudre (bicarbonate de soude, poudre à lever, amidon de tapioca, arrow-root), Sel.

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