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The Bread Essentials

Vegan Croissants (6) - By Order Only

Vegan Croissants (6) - By Order Only

Regular price $24.00
Regular price Sale price $24.00
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The Bread Essentials signature croissants. Flakey and flavourful, a gluten-free must-have!

Also available frozen in packs of six (6) - (see website).

Ingredients: TBE Croissant Flour blend (brown rice flour, white rice flour, tapioca starch), Water, Sugar, Tapioca flour, Coconut milk powder, Yeast, Salt, Xanthan gum, Pectin, Guar gum, Salt, Margarine.

Les croissants signature Bread Essentials. Feuilleté et savoureux, un incontournable sans gluten!

Également disponible surgelé en paquets de six (6) - (voir site Web).

Ingrédients: Mélange de farine de croissant TBE (farine de riz brun, farine de riz blanc, amidon de tapioca), Eau, Sucre, Farine de tapioca, Lait de coco en poudre, Levure, Sel, Gomme xanthane, Pectine, Guar gomme, Margarine.

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